Unreal Viewer for Linux

This is a Linux viewer which is capable of viewing level geometry and movers from the following old games:
  • Unreal (Unreal 1)
  • UT (Unreal Tournament)
  • RUNE (Halls of Valhalla)
  • WOT (Wheel of Time).
  • Idea for viewer is to replace textures with free one set, so no copyright infringement will take place and only map files are needed (e.g. somename.unr) without texture or other game packages. Textures are packed inside the binary so only level-file (*.unr, *.run or *.wot) is needed for viewing levels/maps.

    Viewer Binary is for 386-architecture (Debian Linux 8). Video card used in development was NVIDIA GT730. Needs OpenGL 3.3. (so e.g. VirtualBox is not enough, since it provides only OpenGL 2.1). No installer is provided; just gunzip uviewer.gz and place uviewer binary in the path somewhere (e.g. /usr/bin/) with execution permissions.

    I decided not to include lightmaps, since the generation of those was slowish and not eastethically very appealing. Instead I tried different light rendering schemes with GLSL. The user interface, "xmanager", is written by me and has still some issues and memory leaks to be corrected.



    UViewer version 0.927 (5.8.2017)
    MD5SUM: 4d669b4a6d5bd261a2ca0e3a5565db09

  • 31.7.2017 Corrected major error in movement algorithm, yet it is still far from the final one.
  • 2.8.2017 Enabled rudimentary hardware shadows (in menu selection). Needs much GPU memory.
  • 3.8.2017 Corrected GPU shadow object not released -problem.
  • 5.8.2017 Hunted down memory release bug. Starting to prepare movers to their real job.
  • 26.6.2018 Corrected major 64-bit pointer truncation.

  • UViewer 64-bit version 0.927 (unstable)
    MD5SUM: 91e4434d76cc06741c5cd25de9094bb7

    UViewer 64-bit version 0.928 (little less unstable)
    MD5SUM: 4765724ae9c456ce075d644772ae95cb

    Own links


    Links for map resources

    Unreal Archives
    Unreal Map Archive in Newbiesplayground
    OldUnreal Map Collection and excellent Unreal patch 227
    Unreal Tournament in MapRaider
    Rune Thieves Guild Mod
    Wheel Of Time ShadarLogoth

    Copyright Dr.Strange 7/2017, Finland. Last updated 20.8.2018